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Most Rev. J. Mark Spalding
12th Bishop of Nashville
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

- Matthew 11:28

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

These words from Matthew’s gospel speak directly to my fervent prayer and hope for you as your bishop. I personally invite and welcome all to experience Jesus Christ in worship and the celebration of the sacraments, in fellowship and in community. Please encourage family, friends, and others to join you so they may also find Christ’s healing peace.

The Cathedral of the Incarnation is “mother church” to all Catholics in the Diocese of Nashville. It is the center where the “cathedra” – or chair of the bishop is found. As such, it is the spiritual home for all Catholics throughout Middle Tennessee. I encourage you to visit often, where you will find others who will journey with you in love and service to the Lord. At the Cathedral of the Incarnation, you will find a community steeped in Catholic history and tradition, joined together with a common desire to serve one another and the Lord as a community of faith.

Whether you are a visitor, a returning Catholic, a newcomer to the area, or someone with an emerging interest in the Catholic faith, I join the parish priests and the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Incarnation to welcome you.

In Christ,

Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding

Fr Hammond_edited.jpg
Very Rev. John J.H. Hammond, VG, JCL, KHS
Pastor & Rector
Rev. Aby Thanickal, CMI
Associate Pastor
Hospital Chaplain in residence
University Catholic Chaplain
Thales Finchum
Joe Holzmer
Mark Faulkner

Contact us.

If you have any questions, please reach out to any of our clergy.

Cathedral of the Incarnation



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