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Religious Education

Information for Parents

Welcome to Religious Education at The Cathedral of the Incarnation!
This page is designed to provide general information regarding sacramental preparation for children preschool aged through middle school.

For answers to specific questions, please email the Director of Religious Education (RE), Kevin Raymond.

You may remember in your youth Religious Education being called “CCD.” The Religious Education program is designed for children who do not attend parochial school and wish to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Children enrolled in parochial schools are welcome to join the program as well, so that they may become more involved in the parish. Our program is designed to help children grow spiritually at their individual level of experience and comprehension. Integral to each session is an understanding of the gospel message of Jesus Christ, its application to their daily lives, and the teachings and traditions of the Church.

The process of formation is the responsibility of everyone in our parish: clergy, staff, parishioners, and especially parents. Everyone has a part in sharing his or her stories of faith. This is really what happens in religious education. It doesn’t happen overnight, or in a year of classes, but rather is a gradual process over years of a child’s maturing toward an adult Catholic understanding. Formation isn’t attending every class and “checking off boxes,” rather, it is growth and maturity in the Catholic faith.

Parents, of course, are the first and most important catechists in their children’s lives. It is not solely the RE program’s job to catechize the children in our classes.  Parents take that role on at their child’s birth and lead catechesis through praying together as a family, attending Mass regularly, exposing children to the Gospel, etc.

As you model to your children, be especially mindful of the following expectations, which are in keeping with the basic tenets of the Catholic Christian tradition: attending Mass weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation, sharing your time, talent, and treasure, being connected in the Cathedral community, and making prayer an important part of daily life. This sets the best possible example for your children.

Volunteer Opportunities in the RE Program

  • Catechist: Catechists are teachers of the faith. A catechist is responsible for preparing and teaching lessons, attending in-service, and other classroom duties.

  • Classroom aides: Aides assist the catechists by checking attendance, classroom management, and other duties as assigned by the catechist.

  • Substitute Catechist: Fills in for the catechist when a catechist must miss a Sunday session.

Volunteering in the RE program is a wonderful way to become more involved with your parish.

For more information about the 2024-2025 Religious Education Term contact via email Kevin Raymond.

Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the sacraments is a two-year process.  First Holy Communion begins in first grade and continues in second grade.  Confirmation preparation begins in seventh grade and concludes in eighth grade.

Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
The norm of our Diocese is for these sacraments to be received in second grade, after a prerequisite first grade year. Parents instruct their children at home using materials provided by the RE program in addition to classroom instruction. Dates for parents and students will be made available at the first parent meeting of the year. These two years are very important in developing a strong foundation of Catholic teachings.

Confirmation is currently celebrated in the 8th grade, after a prerequisite year in 7th grade. The 7th and 8th grade Confirmation classes will have class sessions with mandatory retreats for each of the grades. They will have the same class times as K-6 but not every week; usually twice a month.

In the event your child has “missed” the starting dates for these sacraments, there are different options to get them “caught up.”  One of these options is Children’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation in Adults.) This program uses a modified schedule and all sacraments are celebrated at Easter Vigil.

Special Needs
Some children have medical conditions, learning or behavioral concerns. Please indicate this information on the registration forms so we can provide appropriate care. In the event that you overlooked the back portion of the registration form pertaining to special needs, please feel free to call the Religious Education office to provide such information. All information is confidential and used only to help your child’s success in the program.

Confidential Information
All information relative to a student’s classroom performance or of a personal nature is confidential and will be treated as such by the catechists, office aides, and Religious Education staff.

Progress Reports
Progress reports for each student will be completed by the catechist at mid-year and mailed to the parent. These are very general in nature. Parent-teacher conferences are available if requested by the parents.

Classroom visitors
Children not registered in the program may not accompany your child to class for a number reasons, one being safety issues. Please, do not send unregistered children to RE class.

In the event of severe weather, classes will be canceled if city officials are advising people to remain home. All Nashville television stations will be asked to announce Cathedral Religious Education cancellations.

Cathedral Religious Education Philosophy
Parents are the primary educators of their children. With this in mind, our staff regards the religious formation of a person as springing from three sources:

  • The lived family life and religious consciousness that can occur only in the home.

  • Classroom instruction imparting basic knowledge regarding the church community and the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

  • Support from the Religious Education office that enables parents to prepare their child for the reception of the Sacraments.

Religious Education Classes
The Cathedral offers the following, which closely follows the academic year: (September-April) All classes meet on Sundays in St Albert Hall.

  • Preschool through 7th grade meet from 9:45 am – 10:45 am

  • Grade 8 – The Confirmation class meets at Noon, twice a month beginning in October.

Religious Education Guidelines

  • Be sure your child arrives on time and strive for weekly attendance.

  • If a child misses two consecutive classes, parents will be contacted.

  • Doughnuts are not allowed in the classroom. Please finish food and drinks before arriving for class.

  • Make an effort early in the year to introduce yourself to your child’s catechist and aide.

  • Please contact the Religious Education office if your child is unable to attend a class, if you move, change phone numbers, or if your child drops from the program for any reason.

Classroom Behavior
A reminder concerning classroom behavior, as stated in the letter you received.

  • Follow directions and classroom rules.

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

  • No teasing or inappropriate language

  • Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off and put away during class.

In order to facilitate spiritual growth, all the children deserve the most positive classroom climate possible. If a student chooses to disregard one of the above mentioned expectations, he or she will first receive a warning from the catechist. If the misbehavior continues, he or she will be sent to the Directors office to talk about and personally reflect on their misbehavior.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our information and guidelines for Religious Education here at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. We hope you find this information helpful. If you are ready to register your child(ren) for this coming term, please click on the link below.

Religious Education Fees: $45/one child, $75/two children, or $100/three or more children.

There are no additional fees for sacramental preparation. If this is a financial hardship for your family, please reach out to the Director of Faith Formation to discuss your situation in confidence.

Cathedral of the Incarnation



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